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Registration and Parishioner Status

Please make Christ Our King your parish by completing the online registration form or filling out a paper registration card.  The online form can be found by clicking here.  Cards can be found in the rear of the church or by visiting the Parish Office in the Life Center.


It has become a general procedure that statements testifying to the active, participating, contributing status of an individual be provided for those wishing to be sacramental sponsors or receive parishioner rates for Catholic school tuition.  We cannot issue such statements if you are not a registered and active member of Christ Our King.  You must use the offertory envelopes provided to registered parishioners to verify your active status.

Please click here for more information.

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To contact a priest after hours, please call the parish office number, 843-884-5587, and our answering service will assist you.

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The envelope system helps the Parish Office to determine a household's parishioner status (active or inactive). Weekly envelopes in the Sunday collection basket indicate regular Mass attendance.

Parishioners who donate electronically should place an empty envelope in the collection basket, checking the box labeled "online giving." If using Venmo, please include your parishioner number in the "What's this for" box in the app. Should a parishioner come to Mass without an envelope, he/she may use a blue supplementary envelope (ask an usher).

Visit the parishioner status webpage for more info.


Becoming a Catholic

Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Are you looking to complete your Christian Initiation? Visit the OCIA webpage or email Deacon Brian Justice for information about the Order of Christian Initiation.

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Marriage, Divorce, and the Church

Questions about Marriage? Convalidation? Family Life? Divorce? Annulment? Looking for resources and support? Visit marriage website, sponsored by the USCCB.

Additional USCCB resources:

Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan

Homosexuality: Pastoral Care and Church Teaching

US Catholic Catechism for Adults

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2023 Catholic Appeal of South Carolina

All registered parishioners should have received their personalized information packet and invitation to participate in the 2023 Catholic Appeal of South Carolina. Please take the time to review the materials and make your response in the return envelope provided.


Only by your prayers and generosity are the ministries supported by the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina able to thrive and serve the many people who need us to share with them the love and mercy of Jesus Christ

Visit webpage to participate.

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Mass Attendance

"Keep Sunday holy" — this is God's commandment. Faithful attendance at Sunday Mass is the foundation of a Catholic upbringing. 


All parishioners must use the envelope system (drop your envelope in the offertory basket at Mass). Sunday family Mass attendance is especially important for families with children enrolled at Christ Our King-Stella Maris School, Bishop England High School, or in our Christian Formation program. Mass attendance is a determining factor for maintaining active parishioner status at both COKSM and BEHS as well as evaluating a child’s readiness to receive First Communion or Confirmation.
Additionally, with a record of regular Mass attendance, you will not have difficulty being certified as an active parishioner of Christ Our King when requesting liturgical services such as baptisms, weddings, and funerals.

Read the policy to learn more about Parishioner Status

Parish News

Construction Site

Renovation Update

Check out the latest renovation news and pictures.

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Lent Series

​Wednesdays beginning March 12


Join us for Scott Hahn’s The Seven Last Words in Grace Hall every Wednesday during Lent at 6:30 pm. We will watch a video from Dr. Hahn’s series that explores the final words of Jesus on the Cross before his death. A discussion will follow.

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40 Days for Life Spring Campaign

On Sunday, March 30, the Respect Life Ministry at Christ Our King is sponsoring a 12-hour prayer vigil from 7 am to 7 pm. You can be paired with a seasoned prayer partner. You can sign up here or at tables after Mass on March 15 and 16.

Information about more events can be found here.

Men's Hike

2025 Hike

Thursday, June 19 - Sunday, June 22

More info

Sacrificial Giving

Since 1993, CHRIST OUR KING has donated over $4 million from our total weekly tithes, primarily supporting local charities. A list of organizations supported and how you can participate can be found here

Senior Events

Drop in every Monday and Friday from 10a-2p

Next Bingo - Friday, March 21 at 10am

Senior Luncheon - Friday, March 28 at 11am

Senior Bridge

Every Monday


COK Beach House Library


Email John at for more information.

Youth Ministry 

MS Edge and ​ HS Life Teen are open to all 6th-12th grade teens at Christ Our King Parish. Details can be found at

Annual Report FY24

Interested in the financial health of the parish? Review the Pastor's Letter and Annual Report.

School, Diocese & Beyond

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Join Us on the Via Fidelis – A Journey of Faith and Renewal


We are overjoyed to share a momentous announcement with you! The Diocese of Charleston has officially launched Via Fidelis, the five-year Pastoral Plan of Most Rev. Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS, guiding us to walk more deeply in the faithful way of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Seminarian Fund

The Diocese of Charleston is blessed with 25 seminarians answering God’s call. These men are on a transformative journey to dedicate their lives to our faith, service, and communities. Your contribution helps cover tuition and academic expenses, and the costs of living, retreats, immersion programs, and pastoral experiences — all things integral to their formation! 

​ Donate today!

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2025 Catholic Appeal of South Carolina

All registered parishioners should have received their personalized information packet and invitation to participate in the 2025 Catholic Appeal of South Carolina. Please take the time to review the materials and make your response in the return envelope provided.


Only by your prayers and generosity are the ministries supported by the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina able to thrive and serve the many people who need us to share with them the love and mercy of Jesus Christ

Visit webpage to participate.

Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration

Members of the faithful need to be present when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. The Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Blessed Sacrament (West Ashley) is expanding its hours, and volunteers are needed. Please consider signing-up for an hour!

Email Patti Brassington for info or call (843) 901-9467.

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SC Catholic Radio App


South Carolina Catholic Radio has a new App that will enable you to listen from anywhere on your cell phone.  It offers a range of podcast offerings including from the diocese.  Learn more here.

Image by Suhyeon Choi

Pregnancy Support

Are you pregnant and in need of help? Two local pregnancy care centers provide services free of charge. 

Birthright of Charleston (843) 556-4403 offers pregnancy tests, maternity/baby supplies and emotional support.

Lowcountry Pregnancy Center (843) 553-3505 offers pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STD tests, counseling and more.


843-884-7086 (fax)                              

1149 Russell Drive                                        

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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@2022 by Christ Our King Catholic Church.

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