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Viaticum for the Dying

The Sick and the Dying

In the gospels, Christ visits the sick, offering mercy, comfort, and healing. When one member of Christ's Body is afflicted, the whole Church suffers.


Priests and deacons are called to visit the sick and the dying, bringing comfort and grace through the sacraments. The lay faithful are also called to perform works of mercy such as visiting the sick and comforting the dying.

The Last Sacraments of the Christian

With Penance and the Anointing of the Sick, the reception of Holy Communion as Viaticum constitute the 'last sacraments' of the Christian.


Eucharist for the dying has a particular significance and importance. The sacrament of our salvation, the Eucharist provides spiritual nourishment for the passing of souls from this world to the Father.


If a priest is not available, a deacon, or if necessary, a duly appointed Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion may administer Viaticum.


843-884-7086 (fax)                              

1149 Russell Drive                                        

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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