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Liturgical Ministry

Altar Server

Servers light the candles, carry the cross and the processional candles, hold the Missal for the celebrant, carry the incense and censer, assist the celebrant at the presentation of the gifts, and wash the hands of the priest. Click here to learn more. School-age children and young adults, grades 4 and up.


Coordinator: Deacon Brian Justice


Bishops, priests, and deacons distribute Holy Communion as Ordinary Ministers of the Body and Blood of the Lord. At times, Extraordinary Ministers may be called upon to assist. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are parishioners whose lifestyle and conduct truly exemplify Catholic moral teaching. Click here to learn more and here to apply. EMHCs are appointed at the Pastor's discretion.

Gift Bearer

On behalf of the eucharistic assembly, gift bearers present the gifts of bread and wine in the offertory procession.


Greeters represent the parish community in welcoming worshipers at the entry to the church.  They distribute, collect, and sort orders of worship, and they tidy-up the worship space after Mass.


Readers read from the ambo the readings that precede the Gospel. In the absence of a Deacon, a reader also announces the intentions of the Universal Prayer. Please click here to learn more.  The Sacred Scriptures are to be read reverently and clearly, so that all present may contemplate their meaning.

Coordinators: Mr. Jim Welsch and Mr. John Carroll


Sacristans help with the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations.

Sacristans assist the pastor in the care and maintenance of vestments, church furnishings, liturgical vessels, decorative objects.

Sacristan: Mr. Jeff Pulaski


Ushers help to facilitate seating, processions, and collections.  They help to minimize disruptions and distractions, and they attend to parishioners who require assistance.

Coordinator: Mr. Tom Franzone

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843-884-7086 (fax)                              

1149 Russell Drive                                        

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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@2022 by Christ Our King Catholic Church.

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