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Parishioner Status

The issue of parishioner status is important.  


Active parishioners of Christ Our King look to their parish for many services, including:

  • Parishioner tuition rates in our Catholic schools

  • The use of our facilities for liturgical services such as baptisms, weddings and funerals

  • Certification as eligible sponsors at sacramental celebrations

To be considered active, parishioners must:

  • Be registered in the parish

  • Provide a letter from former parish stating active Mass participation

  • Attend Mass faithfully

  • Support the life of the parish

  • Use the envelope system weekly


Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation

  • The Third Commandment is "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy."

  • Baptized Christians are consecrated to worship Christ. The baptismal seal enables and commits Christians to serve God by a vital participation in the holy liturgy of the Church.

  • Catholics are duty-bound to participate in the Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.

  • Extraordinary circumstances, age, or infirmity may excuse the faithful from the obligation to attend Mass.  

  • For those who are healthy and able, to knowingly miss Mass on Sunday would constitute serious sin.

  • Parents have a duty to educate their children in the faith. It's important for parents to attend Mass regularly with their children; children aged 7+ are indeed obligated to attend Mass. 

Minimum Contribution

  • Members of the Christian faithful have a duty to assist with the needs of the Church.

  • The minimum expected financial contribution of active parishioners is $10 per week.  Parishioners who have difficulty meeting this minimum are encouraged to contact the pastor.


  • Parishioners are urged to use the envelope system. 

  • Envelopes provide a record of Mass attendance (the most important factor in determining parishioner status).

  • If a parishioner is unable to contribute on a given Sunday, he/she should drop an empty envelope in the basket.


Financial Support of Catholic Schools

Christ Our King subsidizes children from the parish who attend Catholic school as active parishioners.


Inactive Parishioner

Those who fail to meet the requirements of active parishioner status are classified as inactive. Inactive parishioners do not receive active parishioner tuition rates.



Non-parishioners are those who live outside the geographical boundaries of Christ Our King parish, have not registered as members, or have been removed from the parish roster.



Parishioner Rates for School Tuition

Frequently Asked Questions


How often is parishioner status evaluated?

Active parishioner status is evaluated annually in January. It is based on the prior calendar year. If circumstances prevented you from maintaining active parishioner status in the prior calendar year, please contact the parish office to schedule an appointment with the pastor or his designee.


What if I forget to bring my envelope to Mass?

There are extra envelopes at the back of the church. When using an extra envelope, please include your name and place the envelope in the collection basket, so that your attendance will be recorded.  If you prefer, you may simply place a check in the offertory basket.


Are summer months part of the equation?

Yes. The minimum attendance rate (75%) is based on 52 Sundays.


If I often work in another city on weekends, am I still required to meet the 75% attendance requirement?

Yes. Your spouse and children should attend Mass in your absence.


If I am unable to bring my child to Mass on a given Sunday, and my spouse is not Catholic, what should my family do?

In the event that you are unable to attend Mass, your spouse should attend Mass with your child.

If I have to travel on weekends in order to care for a relative, can I be given special consideration?

If a relative's illness or condition requires you to be away for a significant number of Sundays, please contact the parish office to discuss the situation with the pastor or his designee. The pastor should be notified of this situation when it happens and not after the fact. 


What if my children are active with traveling sports teams, and we are frequently out of town on weekends?

You must attend Mass 75% of the time at COK to obtain parishioner tuition rates.


What if I attend Mass at other Catholic Churches?

Parishioners who wish to maintain active parishioner status must attend Mass at COK for a minimum of 39 weekends each calendar year. This gives parishioners the opportunity to attend Mass at other parishes on as many as 13 Sundays each year. Attendance at Masses in other locations is not relevant to the determination of active parish participation status at Christ Our King.

What if I work on the weekends?

Your family must attend Mass 75% of the time at COK to obtain active parishioner tuition rates.


What if we have financial difficulties and cannot meet the minimum contribution expected?

Please call the parish office and make an appointment with the pastor or his designee.


Why are families asked to account for Mass attendance? Should attendance be regulated to this degree?

The parish must have a process for determining eligibility for active parishioner tuition rates.  The envelope system is Christ Our King's only means of keeping track of attendance for such a large number of families.


What if illness prevents attendance?

It's unusual that illness would prevent everyone from a family from attending Mass on multiple Sundays. In the case of critical illness which affects the entire rhythm of family life, please call the parish office.  We would want to know in order to provide support as needed. 


What if, because of family circumstances, I have to be a member of two parishes and support them both?

In order for Christ Our King parish to subsidize your child's education, you must attend Mass 75% of the time at Christ Our King.


Are these policies in place at other parishes?

Nearly every parish has a means for determining which of its children are eligible for tuition subsidies.  

Is loss of active parishioner status permanent?

No. Inactive parishioners may be reevaluated at the next annual review, and if warranted, reinstated.

What if I prefer to make my church contribution once a month, or even less frequently, but my total is still within the expected amount?

Whether your financial contributions are weekly or monthly, it is important that you deposit your envelope in the offertory basket every time you attend Mass -- this will assure that COK has a record of your attendance. An empty envelope is better than no envelope.


843-884-7086 (fax)                              

1149 Russell Drive                                        

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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@2022 by Christ Our King Catholic Church.

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