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Helping Hands

Pastoral Care

The Sick and the Dying

In the gospels, Christ visits the sick, offering mercy, comfort, and healing. When one member of Christ's Body is afflicted, the whole Church suffers.


Priests and deacons are called to visit the sick and the dying, bringing comfort and grace through the sacraments. The lay faithful are also called to perform works of mercy such as visiting the sick and comforting the dying.


The Sacraments of Healing

Christ has the power to heal both body and spirit. He entrusted to his Church the Sacraments of Healing: Penance and Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick. These sacraments confer grace, consolation, and strength.

Holy Communion outside Mass

Priest gives holy communion to faithful

Liturgy of the Word with Distribution of Holy Communion

For those who are prevented from attending Mass, a deacon presides weekly at Mt. Pleasant Manor, Sandpiper Nursing and Rehab, Savannah Grace, and Sandpiper Courtyard.

Sunday Eucharist from Mass

The faithful have a duty to keep Sunday holy, especially by sharing in the Eucharist. On Sundays, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Eucharist from the 9:30 AM Mass and Noon Mass directly to the sick, the homebound, and residents of facilities who cannot attend Mass.

Wednesday Eucharist from Mass

On Wednesdays, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Eucharist from the Noon Mass directly to those who cannot attend Mass due to age or infirmity.

Holy Communion for the Hospitalized

Clergy and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Eucharist to those who are hospitalized. 

Mass in Facilities

Priest celebrate mass at the church.jpg

Independent Living, Rehab, and Nursing Facilities

Christ Our King priests celebrate Mass on a rotating schedule at facilities within the parish boundaries.

More Information

If you or a family member needs assistance or if you wish to volunteer, please contact Marie Donnelly, Director of Pastoral Care and Senior Ministry: or 843-884-0065.


843-884-7086 (fax)                              

1149 Russell Drive                                        

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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@2022 by Christ Our King Catholic Church.

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