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Time, Talent, Treasure

Stewardship, A Way of Life

All that we have, and all that we are, come from God.  Stewardship is a way of thanking God for his kindness, returning to him a portion of the time, talent, and treasure he has given us.


Stewardship of time involves sharing our time with God in prayer, praise and thanksgiving, and caring for the needs of others.  


Stewardship of talent involves using our skills to glorify God and to help other people.  


Stewardship of treasure involves donating a set percentage of our income to the church and to other charities.  As a final act of stewardship, we can prayerfully consider bequeathing a portion of our assets to the church.  Legacy Donation 

Parish Tithes

Sacrificial Giving

Christ Our King is a sacrificial giving parish.


Sacrificial giving is a personal matter that involves prayerful discernment. We encourage parishioners to give with gratitude in appreciation for God's abundant blessings. Parishioners are encouraged to tithe the first 10% of their household income to the parish and other worthy charities. The 10% might be divided as 5% for the parish, 4% for charities, and 1% for the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for the Catholic Diocese of Charleston. 


By the same principle, the parish tithes 10% of each Sunday collection to worthy charities suggested by parishioners. On designated weekends, the parish tithe benefits special collections sponsored by the Diocese. 

Suggest a Charity

Since 1993, CHRIST OUR KING has donated over $4 million from our total weekly tithes, primarily supporting local charities, the Catholic Appeal Of SC (formerly the Bishop’s Annual Appeal), and the poor. This commitment has continued through the COVID pandemic and the Church’s construction period.  If you would like to participate in this initiative by suggesting an established reputable organization aiding those in need, you may contact  Maureen Preston in the parish office at 843-884-5587 or complete this Online Form.

The Parish Tithe Advisory Committee evaluates suggested charities and presents their recommendations to the pastor for approval. Charities must benefit the greater good without violating Catholic teaching.


Recipient organizations are listed in the weekly bulletin so parishioners may see where their support is going throughout the year.


Here is a partial listing of organizations that have received a tithe from Christ Our King:


843-884-7086 (fax)                              

1149 Russell Drive                                        

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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@2022 by Christ Our King Catholic Church.

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